Academic Expectations
Training the mind, emotions and will of our young men
Victory Academy provides an academic experience that incorporates the acquisition and wise use of knowledge framed by a thoroughly biblical worldview. Our academy program has as its goal the growth of the inner man—the heart—which involves the training of the intellect, emotion, and will of our young men. Ultimately, our goal is to disciple our students to follow the example of Christ, Who “increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52)
At Victory Academy we strive for excellence in our academics with qualified teachers and traditionally taught classes augmented by computer-based learning experiences. Our teaching strategy involves using a variety of teaching methods to encourage students to interact with material beyond mere acquisition of information. Students are offered the opportunity to not only understand the relationships of truth to other disciplines, but also to transfer these truths to the practical experience of life.
- Spiritual Emphasis
- Home Life
- Academic Expectations
- Outdoor Education
While our school does not have all the resources that many schools have to support students with learning disabilities, we make it a priority to employ individually recommended interventions and modifications in the academic requirements. Our small class size enables us to generally provide more individual student guidance. The structure and discipline in the school setting helps to create a learning environment that is conducive to the enjoyment of learning.
While our core classes are taught traditionally, our electives are typically computer-based. Because of the small class sizes and varied grade levels, some subjects are taught generally to all the students with differentiated work and requirements. Each student is then able to produce at his grade level while his unique academic skills are increased. The academic program meets Wisconsin state requirements for the hours and classes students need. Though we are a private boarding school, our credits transfer into both public and private schools. Our graduates have been able to easily continue their education as they’ve transitioned to the colleges and universities of their choice.
We recently started a new program called WORCS (Work Outdoor Recreation Career Skills) which teaches students a biblical philosophy of work coupled with training in a variety of vocational skills ranging from landscaping to carpentry to bee-keeping to producing Maple syrup. An important aspect of that training involves the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills necessary to start a business. Ultimately our goal is not only to help students make a living, but to enable them to know how to live and work for the glory of God.

In our academics, we introduce our students to the agricultural and business sides of homesteading concepts such as beekeeping, producing maple syrup, and keeping an orchard. This program provides transferable skills that will aid them in the future and offers us unique opportunities to build relationships and teach the gospel. Support our student enrichment program by ordering some Sasquatch Sweets products for your home!

Additional information and encouragement:
“How do I know if my son needs to be in a residential program?” I invite you to work through the following three points whether you believe your family would benefit from a residential program or not.
Of course we do not claim to speak for God. However, by application, we can weave the truths of Scripture into what a letter from God might look like if written to the parent of a teen son who is struggling in his relationship with God.
The only time God is pictured as running in Scripture is when He is running to a son who has miserably failed. I love thinking about this story in Luke 15. The prodigal son had previously turned his back on his Father.
In my reflections on the 25 years of ministering here at Victory, I have great memories. I remember former students who have called my cell phone and just wanted to check in with me and see how I was doing.