Struggling sons and when God ran

struggling son

The only time God is pictured as running in Scripture is when He is running to a son who has miserably failed. I love thinking about this story in Luke 15. The prodigal son had previously turned his back on his Father. He wasted his inheritance on alcohol, immorality and partying. All this crazy sinful […]

Why You Should Talk to Your Pastor

Getting guidance from your pastor is a vital piece of our counseling plan. The triage model of 1) parents, 2) church community, and then 3) Victory Academy is essential to the success of our program. Why do we encourage you to talk to a pastor? God’s Word points us in that direction Hebrews 13:17 advises, […]

The heart of Victory Academy—Biblical love

heart of Victory

In my reflections on the 25 years of ministering here at Victory, I have great memories. I remember former students who have called my cell phone and just wanted to check in with me and see how I was doing. Once, after many years, a student from my second year here visited us. He, his […]

A note from God to the parent of a struggling son…

forest light

Of course we do not claim to speak for God. However, by application, we can weave the truths of Scripture into what a letter from God might look like if written to the parent of a teen son who is struggling in his relationship with God. We encourage you to read this and then study […]

Is my family at risk?

family at risk

“HOW DO I KNOW IF MY SON NEEDS TO BE IN A RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM?” I invite you to work through the following three points whether you believe your family would benefit from a residential program or not. Families come in various shapes and sizes and levels of maturity, so the question cannot be answered with […]