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struggling son

Struggling sons and when God ran

The only time God is pictured as running in Scripture is when He is running to a son who has miserably failed. I love thinking about this story in Luke 15. The prodigal son had previously turned his back on his Father. He wasted his inheritance on alcohol, immorality and partying. All this crazy sinful living had landed him in a pig pen slopping hogs. The Bible says he finally came to himself and decided to go home, humble himself in confession of wrong and ask to be a servant instead of a son.I can imagine him slowly walking home rehearsing over and over his lines, “Father I have sinned before God and you…” As he nears the gates of the town his father (a picture of our Heavenly Father remember) sees him in the distance. He forgets his business and takes off in a sprint toward his lost son. In my mind’s eye, I see the grown son being literally lifted off his feet in his dad’s embrace. The son quickly begins to recite his speech, “Father I have…” he hardly gets any further when dad cuts him off with shouts of joy…” My son is home!” No mention is made of the loss, the failure, the pain or regret. All is forgiven and the welcome home party begins. The Father knew the son’s heart. He knew he had repented and he ran. God ran!! God ran to meet that boy. He ran to meet you and me too if we’ve come to him in repentance and He and all Heaven rejoice in love when we come home.

Perhaps you have a son who is lost and running away from God. Please know that God is working to draw him back. Your prayers are not in vain. Your tears are not lost. God himself loves that boy and is at work. As you are led to pray, God’s Spirit is working too. He loves deeply. Continue to hope for the day your boy comes home and you along with God run to meet him.

If you feel that we can be of help to you with your struggling teen son, please don’t hesitate to learn more about our ministry and contact us for free counsel.

Mark Massey

Mark Massey
Executive Director